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  • “Memories, traveling”: from April 6, new exhibition in the Atelier

Tullio Vietri

Chronology Biography

A brief biographical excursus

Post-2016 activities

The Municipality of Oderzo and the Oderzo Culture Foundation dedicated him the first retrospective exhibition “Tullio Vietri, Cronache Italiane dal 1958 al 2008” (“Tullio Vietri, Italian chronicles from 1958 to 2008”) in the rooms of the Pinacoteca Alberto Martini, from March 3 to June 2 (later extended to June 16), organisation and catalog by Roberto Costella. In Bologna, one of his works, “Partigiani” (“Partisans”), realized in 1954, is presented in the collective exhibition “Resistenza – la voce dell’arte” (“Resistance – the voice of art”) curated by Sandro Malossini, promoted by the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia Romagna Region at the Palazzo della Regione. One of his works, “Vetrina” (“Window Display”), from 1969, is also present in the collective exhibition “Un’idea di pittura a Bologna dal 1950 al 1970” (“An idea of paintings in Bologna from 1950 to 1970”) curated by Sandro Malossini and Francesco Finotti at Palazzo Garagnani, in Crespellano – Valsamoggia (BO). Following the family’s donation to the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia Romagna Region, the piece “Lungo la strada” (“Along the road”) from 1965 (150 x 100 cm – mixed media acrylic tempera varnish) is exhibited in “La collezione d’arte dell’Assemblea Legislativa – nuove donazioni” (“The Legislative Assembly’s collection of art”) a collective exhibition curated by Sandro Malossini, promoted by the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia Romagna Region at the Palazzo della Regione.

Tullio Vietri

The Atelier

The atelier preserves the family’s rich pictorial and graphic collection (approximately 1,500 pieces, between paintings and graphics). It periodically organizes temporary exhibitions within its spaces, in order to promote knowledge about the collection, displaying the works in rotation.

It is located in Bologna in Via Saragozza 135 under the historic portico of San Luca.
The Atelier can be visited, by appointment, from October to June. Guided tours available.

Tullio Vietri

The Museum

The Biblioteca Civica, managed by the Oderzo Cultura Foundation, displays the core of the collection owned by the Municipality of Oderzo, by the artist’s behest, custodian of his artworks (about 4000 pieces including paintings and graphics).

It is located in Oderzo (TV) in Via Garibaldi 80 at the Civic Library.
It can be visited during library opening hours and by appointment.