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  • From December 12, 2024 to February 16, 2025 in Bologna featured in the exhibition “Artists’ Gifts”

  • The exhibition “Memories, traveling” is still on display at the Atelier

Tullio Vietri

Events and

Events and
News, a focus on current events: news, announcements, information, invitations to participate

Events, a look at the past: recent and non-recent events worth remembering

Birthday Party

In 2007, Tullio Vietri exhibited his latest works at the Antoniano exhibition hall in Bologna in the solo exposition
“Ut pictura poesis”, it is his 80th birthday party.

Ut pictura poesis

The exhibition – organised by the friends of the magazine “Critica Radicale – per una nuova cultura, per una nuova arte” (“Radical Criticism – for a new culture, for a new art”) along with Antoniano Onlus, as part of the “Arte per l’Antoniano” project – is inaugurated on May 13. Although delayed because of health problems, it is his real birthday party. An important birthday celebration, that of his eightieth birthday, which Vietri celebrates with those closest to him: family, friends and, of course, his works of art. At the inauguration, many old and new friends, some of them also from the Veneto region, such as the painter and poet Arturo Benvenuti, once director of the Pinacoteca di Oderzo. Tullio Vietri and art historian and critic Roberto Costella introduced together the exhibition by illustrating the artist’s works and critical positions. The paintings on display, chosen among the most recent, are a sign of a work, of an attention to the world, of a civic commitment that has never waned, and this is confirmed by the very way in which the exhibition invites the active participation of the visitors: they are invited to dialogue, comment and evaluate the works orally and also filling out a form that summarizes their preferences and evaluations. At the end of the exhibition, the two pieces that receive the higher number of votes will be donated by Vietri to Antoniano, to contribute to the Fiore della Solidarietà (Flower of Solidarity) project, in support of disadvantaged children. A third piece will be chosen by lot, among the participants themselves, as a thank you for their contribution to the initiative.
Tullio Vietri

L’ Atelier

L’atelier conserva la ricca collezione pittorica e grafica della famiglia (circa millecinquecento opere tra dipinti e grafica). Periodicamente organizza mostre temporanee al proprio interno in modo da favorire la conoscenza della collezione, esponendo le opere a rotazione.

Si trova a Bologna in via Saragozza 135 sotto lo storico portico di San Luca.
Visitabile su appuntamento da ottobre a giugno, anche con vista guidata.

Tullio Vietri

Il Museo

La Biblioteca Civica, gestita dalla Fondazione Oderzo Cultura, espone il nucleo centrale della collezione di proprietà del Comune di Oderzo, per volontà dell’artista custode delle sue opere (circa quattromila tra dipinti e grafica).

Si trova a Oderzo (TV) in via Garibaldi 80 presso la Biblioteca Civica.
Visitabile durante l’orario di apertura della biblioteca e su appuntamento.